Kelly Wiley

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Short Writing Assignment #4: Blog 1

Nancy Pelosi is a woman of class and power, but a woman whose credibility is beginning to fade. According to CNN Pelosi said, “Let the healing begin.” However the only healing that needs to be happening is the relationship between Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and new Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. An obvious candidate for Majority Leader was Steny Hoyer. However Pelosi decided to back John Murtha who, according to the Huffington Post, is in one of the top 20 most corrupt members of congress. Why back somebody who is clearly not highly regarded by many? The only reason for Pelosi’s bizarre decision is she wants to stir up trouble and create some political drama. Even without Pelosi’s support Hoyer cruised to victory as predicted; the Republicans lost control because of mistakes they made, if Murtha had won, that would have been the first mistake the democrats have made. After his victory Hoyer said, "The Republicans need to know … our caucus is unified today." With all the events that have happened since their smashing victory I have not seen unified; the only thing they are portraying right not to the public is a divided party.


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