Kelly Wiley

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Short Writing Assignment #4: Blog 2

With election news dying down politicians are returning to their old ways: pointing fingers and playing the blame game. This blame game all revolves around one key issue; one that played a big part in the Republicans being dismissed from both house and senate: the war in Iraq. "Military victory is no longer possible in Iraq,” said Henry Kissinger. Is he right? As the death toll increases victory seems to be nowhere in sight. Supporting the Iraq war was something many did when the war began, but years later the need for this war to end is overwhelming. Kissinger said, "If you mean by 'military victory' an Iraqi government that can be established and whose writ runs across the whole country ... I don't believe that is possible." If our troops leave things will get worse, but by us staying there things will only continue to get worse. The only obvious way to handle this is to pull out, set a time period, and have our troops out by the deadline. Hopefully with the shift in power we will be seeing troop reduction in the near future.


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