Kelly Wiley

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Short Writing Assignment #4: Blog 4

With the recent Democratic takeover there have been a lot of happy faces floating around. Most of those happy faces belong to people from liberal groups who now see hope. These groups range from feminists to gay-rights to abortion rights. With the change in power they are hoping to have their proposals considered, however, they are not going to push. Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign said, "What we've got is a new and respectful Congress that's open to our community." With the new change of power all the issues that Democrats support are now going be given serious consideration. Gay-rights groups want congress to get rid of the "don't as, don't tell" policy. Pro-choice groups want to ensure that sexual education classes are giving accurate information on contraceptives. There are going to be some serious changes facing our nation within the next few years and because Democrats are in control, all these changes are extremely possible. Although with these changes they cannot take away our freedom of speech, or can they? According to Reverend Louis Sheldon "All Americans must be prepared to endure serious threats to their freedom of speech."


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